It slowly slithers up to me. With one bite, it drains out all will within my being. I breathe in this monstrous disease as it evokes in me a sudden pulse to runaway. "Why now?" It drags memories and failures back into consciousness. I mentally stagger from this place to somewhere I can find comfort. Somewhere I can breathe. But I fail. I back away into the corners of solemn shame. "Here I am again." My voice resounds against the fragile walls in my mind. Disheartened, I watch as another opportunity escapes from my hands.
All to the cause of my worst enemy, all to the cause of fear.
So many times I feel myself shrink as this immense world expands. It sickens me how one little sentiment can ruin my chance at succeeding at anything beyond breathing. It sickens me how I let such a monstrous disease invade my fragile and weak being. Why? Why?
All to the cause of my worst enemy, all to the cause of fear.
So many times I feel myself shrink as this immense world expands. It sickens me how one little sentiment can ruin my chance at succeeding at anything beyond breathing. It sickens me how I let such a monstrous disease invade my fragile and weak being. Why? Why?
Though I have no answer to this long over-thought question, I keep getting closer to where I want to get.
I've started listening to this group called Fink, one of my favorite songs is "Fear is like Fire"... The lyrics intrigued me so much I even looked up for an interpretation of the song... Though I didn't find it, I came across this quote:
"Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It's like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you. If you can control your fear, it makes you more alert, like a deer coming across the lawn."- Mike Tyson
But for how long am I going to let fear overcome me?
A time will come in every person's life when they'll have to choose whether to stand up for what they believe or fall into the crowd. We will have to choose between speaking up or denying the truth. When that happens, will we let fear invade us to the point we give up on everything we are and everything we believe?
Or will we use it to give us even more reason to stand?
A little bit of fear does us good. Without it, we wouldn't have anything to overcome; and I truly believe that without any obstacles, we wouldn't have the incentive to wholeheartedly do what we are called to do. Whether that obstacle is fear, or not.
I've started listening to this group called Fink, one of my favorite songs is "Fear is like Fire"... The lyrics intrigued me so much I even looked up for an interpretation of the song... Though I didn't find it, I came across this quote:
"Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy. It's like fire. If you can control it, it can cook for you; it can heat your house. If you can't control it, it will burn everything around you and destroy you. If you can control your fear, it makes you more alert, like a deer coming across the lawn."- Mike Tyson
Fear is my worst enemy. It has stopped me from saying and doing things I probably should've at the moment. It leaves me regretting and always hanging on to the question "What if?" . It's like when you meet someone for the first time, you don't really open up, all because you're scared of rejection.
Or even now, at this very moment, fear is trying to take a hold of me as I'm about to click the "Publish" button. I'm afraid of failure. I'm afraid of what people will think.
A time will come in every person's life when they'll have to choose whether to stand up for what they believe or fall into the crowd. We will have to choose between speaking up or denying the truth. When that happens, will we let fear invade us to the point we give up on everything we are and everything we believe?
Or will we use it to give us even more reason to stand?
A little bit of fear does us good. Without it, we wouldn't have anything to overcome; and I truly believe that without any obstacles, we wouldn't have the incentive to wholeheartedly do what we are called to do. Whether that obstacle is fear, or not.
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