
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My heart throbs and aches at every scene on the TV, at every tweet of arrogance, at every hardened word. 

I have no full opinion on the matter of yesterday's Ferguson situation, nor on the political status of America, all I know is that it astounds me to see so many people aching over the "injustice of government" or "lack of tolerance" or " arrogant discrimination." Aching to the point of burning down flags, burning down businesses and rioting till dawn.

Where is God during all this crap? 

Where is God when we are crying, aching, angry? 

Where is God when injustice seems to be the only constant in our lives?

Not only with social issues such as discrimination, but in our own lives. 

Can I trust a God who seems to be so distant from my every day occurrences? 

Can I trust a God who seems to let so much war and hunger happen, who allows me to go through betrayal and heartbreak? 

God, can I trust You?

"No one whose hope is in me will ever be put to shame." (Isaiah 45:43)

Really? So what about everything that is going on? If this nation claimed "in God we trust", why are You allowing so much to happen? 

"No one whose hope is in me will ever be put to shame." 

If I believe in You and believe Your word, why am I still going through hard things? 

"No one whose hope is in me will ever be put to shame." 


No one whose hope is in Him will ever be put to shame. 

I wish I had answers to all the hard things that happen. I wish I knew why you've been through so much, why I have gone through difficult times, why we feel lost or afraid, why pain seems to go on forever, why injustice seems to be the only constant.

But in times like these, all I can really do is place my hope in Him, even through my doubts. 

And all I can really tell you is that as hard as it is to place our trust in Him, I promise you His promises are true. 

 Place your hope in Him, and even through the hard times, He won't put you to shame. 

"And we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, 
and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us." (Romans 4:4-5) 


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Little Thoughts

I live in light of what has happened, but I do not live in the past. I strive to continue, remembering of the greatness that I've experienced, and the greatness that is to come.
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