I'm mad at how the most talked about and awaited for event of the year is brought to us by a government who rather spend millions of dollars building a soccer arena in the middle of the jungle than caring for the thousands of hospitalized people waiting for a doctor.
I'm mad because there are young men and women who yearn to help, but aren't even given the chance of being doctors, due to no means for education.
I'm mad because higher education is so pricy, and I of all people get the chance to have such a thing.
I'm mad because I don't have a clue of what it is to be grateful for food on the table, and a bed to sleep in. I'm mad because I sit in my room and pout over how my clothes don't fit into suitcases, when others wear plastic bottles as shoes and rags as clothes.
I'm mad because it's so easy to live within my bubble, and so hard to face the truth.
Why do I get so mad at the world's ignorance to current social problems, when I myself reflect the ignorance best of all?
I am the one who complains over paperwork for colleges, I am the one who shoves food down the garbage, I am the one who grunts over getting up for the phone, I am the one who shakes away the thought of giving away and replaces it with greed, I am the one who pretends like there isn't a world of suffering in need. There is no child waiting for hope, there is no man waiting for food, there is no woman waiting for a friend, the is no need I have not met.
It slowly slithers up to me. With one bite, it drains out all will within my being. I breathe in this monstrous disease as it evokes in me ...
Little Thoughts
I live in light of what has happened, but I do not live in the past. I strive to continue, remembering of the greatness that I've experienced, and the greatness that is to come.